Metra zero
brevetto patent
Breathable and waterproofing underlay, fire barrier
Waterbased fire resistant paint, made with expandable graphite, especially studied to completion of PATRIX support in case of damage of it during panel application or to protect parts of the panel without PATRIX support protection. APEO free formulation.
PRAESIDIUM is ideal to completion of little areas of PATRIX support damaged or removed during the panel application. PRAESIDIUM is applied on damaged areas going over the edges for at least 5-6 cm, with suitable thickness, to replace the fire barrier. PRAESIDIUM well adheres on PATRIX support, on polyurethane foam, replacing the fire barrier.
WARNINGS: the original fire resistance euroclass of the panel treated with PRAESIDIUM should be verified, since the variety of the repairing situations and non homogeneous applications.
Before use, mix product by handle or with slow fastness mixer in order to avoid foam. Apply with brush, roller or spatula according to the convenience. Apply one or more coats to obtain correct thickness. However two coats are recommended.
Apply as it is without diluting or, only by necessity, dilute 5-10/ max with water according to the type of substrate and film leveling. With porous and absorbent substrate the diluting of the first coat is recommended.
Dust free time: about 1 hour
Tack free time: about 3 hours
Overpainting: about 6-8 hours min.
Deep dry: 24 -36 hours (depending to coat thickness)
Complete dry: in 4-5 days
Rain resistance after 36 hours
Apply at temperatures between +10 and +35°C. Do not apply in extremely hot or cold conditions. Do not apply on very hot surfaces because the film-forming process would be accelerated excessively, with negative consequences for the product’s cohesion and adhesion to the substrate. Do not apply in very damp conditions or if there is a risk of rain while the film is still drying.
Do not apply on wet or damp substrates.
Dust and clean the surface before apply PRAESIDIUM. Wash the tools with water after use.
The product remains unchanged for 12 months if stored with the original sealed bucket, in protected environment and with temperatures between +8 and +30°C. PROTECT FROM FROST.
Mix before use.
Density | 1,22 ± 0,02 Kg/l |
Dry residue | 71 ± 2% in weight |
Viscosity | 27000 ± 3000 cps (RVT 20 rpm, spindle 5 at 23°C) |
Binder | Waterbased emulsion of fine resins in water |
Film appearance | Opaque |
Color | Charcoal |
Comsumption | On smooth and non absorbing surfaces 1,2-1,4 Kg/m2 are recommended |
Fire protection solutions for buildings
Breathable and waterproofing underlay, fire barrier
Special flexible support for PIR/PUR rigid boards, fire barrier
Water based fire resistant one component paint for SPF foam - grey
Waterbased fire resistant paint for Patrix support reparation
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